Indiana University Bloomington

Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering

Technical Report TR613:
Realization of GGF DAIS Data Service Interface for Grid Access to Data Streams

Ying Liu, Beth Plale, Nithya Vijayakumar
(May 2005), 11 pages pages
As the computation power of hardware increases, real-time processing of large amount of streaming data becomes possible. Streams are widely recognized as one of the major data resources. Meanwhile, many efforts are spent on the grid framework research, which enables people and applications across physical and administrative domains to easily share data and computational resources. Our work leverages the cutting-edge technologies in both areas to define a new grid-accessible streaming query and management abstraction, named Virtual Stream Store. In this paper, we describe our realization of the interfaces specified in the GGF DAIS Data Service proposal for streaming resources.

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